It's so damn hot that a lot of people are succumbing to heat stroke. Come to think of it, with Earth Day only a mere two days away, how then can one like myself contribute to preserve the planet's resources without having to sweat like a pig and give in to the urge of turning the airconditioning on? I mean, sure we participated during the earth hour celebration, but it was just turning off the electricity for just an hour, quite bearable. But for an entire day? It's not that I could spend 24 hours doing beach clean-up or something (Did I say beach clean-up? Aaargh...but that's were the sun likes to hang out most of the time! And to think sunscreens are so expensive these days).
Then I remembered my childhood days when I spent most of my summers in an island town somewhere in the Visayas where electricity at that time was practically still a dream of its townsfolk, potable water was collected from occasional summer rains and the most sophisticated lighting is a gas lamp. Summer temperatures during those days weren't this extreme and kids of yore go out into the streets to play hooky at high noon. At the end of the day and after an early dinner, we go to bed at 6:00pm sans the luxury of an electric fan. Yes, I have experienced the spartan life.

So, here goes my list of things you can do for Mother Gaia in observance of her day on April 22.
To keep yourself cool without having to waste on electricity especially at night, here's what you can do:
- Move like a sloth. It not only saves on human energy, it also lessens the probability of you sweating like a pig. If you really are in a hurry, run like the six million dollar man or bionic woman in slow motion.
- Sleep like a log...literally. Just lie there like a cadaver without moving an inch. If you can't do it, learn the art of sleep-fanning (manually fanning yourself while sleeping). Done only when sleeping alone.
- If you sleep with someone, get the hell as far away from that person in bed. The more body heat felt in that space, the more it will be uncomfortably hot for you. Abstain from any sexual relations even for only just a day.
- Memorize the layout of your house, then turn off all lights. DON'T even think of using candles (they also emit heat and could contribute to even greater heat if handled carelessly). Since you are already moving like a sloth, groping in the dark would be easy as pie.
- For women with long hair - after shampooing, don't towel dry. Instead, drip excess water from hair onto a glass. Use later for rinsing when brushing teeth.
- For women with long hair, again - Cut it for christ sakes. It not only saves you on bath water and shampoo, you'll feel cooler and lighter. Don't worry, it will grow back again in time for another haircut next summer.
- The one-pail bath method: Learn to allot your bath water utilizing the trusty water dipper or tabo. (Ex. 1-2 tabo of water for the preliminary rinse then the rest for the final wash). To really save up on bath water, go ahead and soap yourself up dry then use just enough water for rinsing. Set aside saved water for others.
- The extreme one-pail bath method: Same process as the one above but with recycling additive. Stand on a batya (tub) while taking a bath. Water caught by the tub could be used later to flush the toilet.
- When thirsty, swallow your saliva every 20 seconds to save on precious drinking water (for better results, collect enough saliva in your mouth first before swallowing).
Ngek! where are you guys? hehe
Well, we have to really exert more efforts to save our one and only PLANET.......EARTH. :-)
Btw, I have an EARTH HOUR blogpost do check it out:
Thanks guys for the very informative comments. Every tip to save on precious natural resources counts.
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