


(Ingenious! For fun only and is not meant to shit on anyone. Enjoy...)

1. Taoism: Shit happens. If you can shit, it isn't shit. Shit happens, so flow with it.

2. Hare Krishna: Shit Happens, Rama Rama Ding Ding. She-it happens, She-it happens, happens, happens, she-it, she-it... (Repeat until you become one with she-it). Please take this flower and buy our shit.

3. Confucianism: Confucius say, "Shit happens". Confucius say, "If shit has to happen, let it happen PROPERLY."

4. Buddhism: If shit happens, it isn't really shit. If shit happens, it isn't really happening to anyone. Shit will happen again to you next time.

5. Zen: What is the sound of shit happening?

6. Sixth Day Adventism: Shit happens on Saturdays.

7. Hinduism: I've seen this shit happening before. This shit is not a religion, it is the way of life. This shit happening IS you.

8. Protestantism: If shit happens, it happens to someone else. If shit happens, praise the lord for it!

9. Calvinism: Shit happens because you don't work hard enough.

10. Episcopalianism: If shit happens, hold a procession.

1. Lutheranism: Shit happens, but as long as you're sorry, it's OK.

12. Anglicanism: It's true, shit does happen -- but only to Lutherans.

13. Catholicism: If shit happens, you deserved it. You were born shit, you are shit, and you will die shit.

14. Charismatic Catholicism: Shit is happening because you deserve it, but we love you anyway.

15. Judaism: Why does shit always happen to US? Why does shit always happen just before closing the deal?

16. Reform Judaism: Got any laxatives?

17. Islam: If this shit happens, it is the will of Allah. If shit happens, take a hostage. We don't take any shit.

18. Nation of Islam: Don't take no shit!

19. New Age: That's not shit, it's feldspar. A firm shit does not happen to me. This isn't shit if I really believe it's chocolate. I create my own shit. If shit happens, honor it and share it. Sheeeeeeeeeeit! Were all part of the same shit. For $300, we can help you get in touch with your inner shit.

20. Wicca: If shit happened once, it will happen twice more. The Goddess makes shit happen.

21. Jehovah's Witnesses: No shit happens until Armaggedon. There is only a limited amount of good shit. Knock Knock, "Shit Happens." Here, we insist you take our shit. Shit happens door to door.

22. Secular Humanism: Shit evolves.

23. Darwinism: Survival of the shittiest.

24. Christian Science: When shit happens, don't call a doctor--pray. Shit doesn't happen and I am not up to my eyeballs in it. Our shit will take care of itself. Shit happens in your mind.

25. Atheism: I don't believe this shit! It looks and smells like shit, so I'm damned if I'm going to taste it. Shit doesn't happen. Shit is dead. No shit!

26. Religion from an Atheist's point of view: I haven't smelt, seen, touched, or tasted it. But it's shit.

27. Agnosticism: It looks and smells like shit, but I haven't tasted it, so I'm not sure whether its shit or not. What is this shit?! How can we KNOW if shit happens? You can't prove any of this shit!

28. Rastafarianism: Let's smoke this shit! Hey, this is good shit, mon.

29. Mormonism: If shit happens, shun it. Excrement happens. (you can't say 'shit' in Utah) Hey, there's more shit happening over here! Our shit is better than your shit. Shit happens again & again & again ...

30. Energizer Bunny: Shit happens and happens and happens and ...


Hermogenes said...

ito ang gusto ko.. Francism?

happy blogging!!

Violet Manila said...

ang post na ito ni pinkoy ay "full of shit"

pedeng gawing game after the post: how many times did "shit" appear in this post?

aliw talaga! ^_^

.. said...

Hahahaha, this is really funny shit....

Anonymous said...

number 30 is the best shit in this shit list.

RhonB895 said...

glad you enjoyed the post dudes :)

Past Expiry said...

Confucius saying about engagement rings...


花生豆花Alex said...
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