Star Trek Reboot...sans the wrinkles | PIN(K)OY



Star Trek Reboot...sans the wrinkles

Captain Kirk? Hot! Spock? Hotter than ever!

Now I grew up watching the original Star Trek series reruns but never really saw these characters as hot or whatever. It was the 70s and as a child fascinated with science fiction, I usually sat through Star Trek totally amazed as it introduced me to things like warp speed, phaser guns, flip top comm gadgets and teleportation ("Beam me up, Scotty"... love that everytime) while getting a kick out of William Shatner's morse code-like intonation and cheezy acting (which I loved to imitate by the way).

Then in the late 80s, A spanking new USS Enterprise made a comeback in television with its next generation crew. But then...geez, a bald captain? (Jean Luc-Picard played by Patrick Stewart during in his pre-Xavier days). Almost simultaneous with the Next Generation was Star Trek: Enterprise whose captain, Jonathan Archer (played by Scott Bakula), was kinda hot... with the 40 somethings. Well, at least the visual effects had become better and none of them captains were William Shatner.

Still concentrating on the crew of the USS Enterprise, the Star Trek movies still featured the same actors (both of the classic and next generation crew). Being that I've seen almost all of its film versions that I later realized - the Star Trek universe was ageing...

Until now.

When I saw the preview of Star Trek 2009, I got a bit excited because 1) it seemed like an origins version of the franchise (which I found out later wasn't exactly that), and 2) Zachary Quinto (Gabriel/Sylar of Heroes) is playing the young Spock.

So, I rushed to the only movie theater in this part of town to watch the film... and boy, did it blew me away.

Star Trek was indeed rebooted with excellent special effects, energetic, fast-paced scenes and a very youthful cast. Chris Pine (whose face I remembered in Princess Diaries 2) was hot as the delinquent, 20-something James T. Kirk, and so was Quinto who looked so cool donning that rational Vulcan demeanor...and the pointy ears. Everybody on board the USS Enterprise looked so fresh, so young and so good-looking I almost barfed (kidding).

In all, I would say...rejoice trekkies! This movie has given the franchise a new lease in life. Thank heavens for parallel universes. With this clever new twist, I believe we will likely see more of Capt. James Kirk, first officer Spock, as well as the rest of the crew of the USS Enterprise - Dr. McCoy, Uhura, Scotty, Chekov, Sulu...

Sans the cheezy acting and wrinkles.

I'm not really a full-fledged trekkie...just half-human, half-trekkie.

(ps. Enjoy clicking those outgoing links...resistance is futile ^-^)

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